Abhishek Rawat PROGRAMMER

Explore. Learn. Create.

Hi, I am a

My name is Abhishek Rawat. I have been coding for more than 6 years. Coding has been my passion since the days I started working with computers but I found myself into web and mobile development since 2019. I enjoy creating beautifully designed, intuitive and functional websites and applications.



Coding Problems Solved

Leetcode 500+
GeeksforGeeks 270+
HackerRank 320+

Experience as a Web Developer

I’ve been developing stunning and dynamic websites for more than 2 years. Browse through my github to check out my projects and get inspired for YOUR new website!

What I can do.


Design what you want.

I like to keep it simple. My goals are to focus on typography, content and conveying the message that you want to send.


Develop what you need.

I'm a developer, so I know how to create your website to run across devices using the latest technologies available.

My Methodology

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I put myself in the place of your users in order to understand their needs.

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I think of several ideas that can be utilized to solve our problems.

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I pick a framework that suits well with the project and will begin to formalize the user journey.

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I will then design and create an interactive prototype.

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I analyze the prototype with real users in order to optimize and validate the solution.

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Once the prototype has been validated. I can develop, launch and promote the product.


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ReactJs Framework

React is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies.

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Vue Js Framework

Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It consists of a core library that focuses on the view layer and helps one tackle complexity in large Single-Page Applications.

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JavaScript Language

JavaScript is a very powerful client-side scripting language. JavaScript is used mainly for enhancing the interaction of a user with the webpage.

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Sass is a CSS preprocessor, which adds special features such as variables, nested rules and mixins into regular CSS.

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Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment. It executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.


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React Native Js Framework

React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Web and UWP with native platform capabilities.

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UIKit Apple Framework

The UIKit framework provides the required infrastructure for iOS and tvOS apps. It helps in constructing and managing a graphical, event-driven user interface for the application.

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Flutter Google Framework

Flutter is Google's UI toolkit for crafting beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.


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Git Project Management

Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

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Figma Design & Prototyping

Figma is a free, online UI tool to create, collaborate, prototype and handoff.